---- oh...@cox.net wrote: 
> ---- "André Warnier" <a...@ice-sa.com> wrote: 
> > oh...@cox.net wrote:
> > > 
> > ...
> > > 
> > >     <Connector port="8009" protocol="AJP/1.3" redirectPort="8443" 
> > > tomcatAuthentication="false" />
> > > 
> > That is correct. The "false" means that Tomcat will not do it's own 
> > authentication, and 
> > will instead rely on the authenticated user-id passed by the front-end 
> > server.
> > 
> > Now could you also show us the section of your Apache front-end 
> > configuration, containing 
> > the directives which forward the requests to Tomcat ?
> > (proxy or rewrite stanzas)
> > 
> > Note: the fact that the Apache/Tomcat connector (the one at the Apache 
> > level) passes the 
> > authenticated user-id to Tomcat along with the proxied request, depends on 
> > the fact that 
> > within Apache (more precisely within the internal Apache "request record"), 
> > the request is 
> > really authenticated (*).
> > I am saying this because in an earlier post, you mentioned that you were 
> > using a 
> > third-party authentication package at the Apache httpd level.
> > It is unlikely, but possible, that this authentication package would use 
> > its own logic, 
> > and never "populate" the internal Apache request record with this user-id 
> > (**).
> > In such a case, the automatic forwarding of the user-id by the Apache-level 
> > connector 
> > module (mod_proxy_ajp or mod_jk) would of course not work, because they 
> > check the internal 
> > Apache request record, and have no knowledge of another user-id source.
> > 
> > 
> > (*) in Tomcat terms, the equivalent of populating the userPrincipal object
> > (**) for example, it may act as a filter, and rely on each request always 
> > containing a 
> > cookie which "authenticates" the request, and do its own access control 
> > independently of 
> > Apache httpd itself
> > 
> Andre,
> Sure.  Here's the section from httpd.conf.  This is testing where I purposely 
> insert a "REMOTE_USER" HTTP header into the request being proxied.  As I 
> said, I have a sniffer on the line, and I can see the REMOTE_USER header, but 
> still, when I get to my test JSP hosted on the Tomcat, getUserPrincipal() is 
> returning null (don't mind the hostname in the ProxyPass, etc.  I just happen 
> to be hosting Tomcat on that machine, and WebLogic is shutdown there).
> # Proxy to Tomcat on weblogic1 machine, using AJP
> <Location /samplesajp>
> RequestHeader set "REMOTE_USER" "222222229test111111111111"
> ProxyPass             ajp://weblogic1.whatever.com:8009/samplesajp
> ProxyPassReverse      ajp://weblogic1.whatever.com:8009/samplesajp
> </Location>
> Jim


BTW, I asked about this earlier, but is it possible to turn on some debugging 
on the Tomcat side, that might help diagnose why the AJP connector is not 
working the expected way?  I'm not that familiar with Tomcat or AJP logging, 
but I've only been able to set logging in logging.properties so that there's 
either almost no logging or it generated a ton of logging (but not stuff on AJP 
connection/processing) :(...


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