On 12/12/2011 09:56, André Warnier wrote:
> Dale Ogilvie wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Weird issue, perhaps someone can explain how this might be happening
>> from a tomcat perspective...
>> I have some CXF generated web service client code that calls a web
>> service that operates on an IP whitelist. If I run this code from the
>> shell as the tomcat owner user "apache_tomcat" on the app server (RHEL6)
>> the webservice reports that the client ip is the app server. This is as
>> expected, it is making a direct http connection to the web service.
>> If I wrap this exact same code in a jsp and deploy it to tomcat 7.0.20
>> on the app server, where tomcat is running as user "apache_tomcat", the
>> client ip is reported as one of our internal proxy servers. This should
>> not be happening.
>> There are no http_proxy environment variables set for either
>> apache_tomcat or root. The tomcat jvm has no -Dhttp.proxy settings. But,
>> it seems that the code running in tomcat is pulling a proxy definition
>> from somewhere.
>> Any ideas where this proxy is coming from? We can't find anything at all
>> on the OS. Is tomcat or java itself proactively searching for available
>> proxies?
>> The only way to get the behaviour we want is to use -Dhttp.proxy and
>> -DnonProxyHosts statements on the tomcat jvm command line. If we do
>> this, we can at least get a proxy on the same continent J
> Just to complete your report :
> - is the JVM used in both cases exactly the same ?
> - are either one of the Tomcats (or both) using the "native APR" library ?
>   (although I have no idea really if this is relevant or not when a
> webapp makes its own connections)

Could the app contain code which uses a specific proxy?




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