On 1:59 PM, Pid * wrote:
> On 16 Dec 2011, at 09:32, "Aitor Garcia | Tempel.es" <agar...@tempel.es>
> wrote:
>  Mark:
> I'm just declaring variables there, no putting logic.
> You had overlooked log4jdbc, if you have read books in the same way....
> Library log4jdbc is COOL! Works very Well, is really a good library that
> helps me a lot, without it I cannot see what really is happening behind the
> scenes. Bravo log4jdbc : http://code.google.com/p/log4jdbc/!!
> Terence:
> I had read the same, the first time I started a JSP page and rereaded it
> yesterday: http://java.sun.com/products/jsp/pdf/jsptut.pdf.
> Maybe I had been never understood how JSP/Beans works or maybe this kind
> programing language simply does not fit.
> I'm not an expert but in past I worked a with MVC, Swing and JAVA: Cool
> stuff, but I never have seen how it helps in the web development. Java
> turned into the web, makes huge amount of writing (the exact formula is :
> lines_of_JSP_code = lines_of_PHP_code * 10) & no way to fit
> objects/classes, into Web Application needs. Have you seen Hashes in PHP?
> try to use them in java... Ehhh and don't put an Integer into a HashMap and
> try to get a String!! You have to then Integer Values with a Try() Catch(),
> Swith statement does not support Strings!!!... thinks like this fucks a lot!
> PHP is a hundred times more versatile for Web, and there is lots and lots
> of support: lib GD is great, making PDFs is preatty simple almost every
> problem you are going to face is resolved and published somewhere, you only
> have to Google a little. I think PHP makes sense, of course in conjunction
> with a good framework.
> I'm going to read a lot of books but not about JavaServer(TM) (Oracle).
> I think you're on the wrong mailing list.
> p

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> El 16/12/2011 3:32, Mark Eggers escribió:
> ral people

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