> I am using Tomcat 7.0.11 and use Form Authentication (via
>> j_security_check) to authenticate through the Tomcat server.
>> Currently, two users with the same username can log into my application
>> from two different computers and concurrently access the app.
>> Is there a way to prohibit a user from authenticating if a user with the
>> same username has previously authenticated and still has an active session?
>> We use spring security in a web app that is deployed in tomcat. It has
built in support for this - you can configure to either disallow subsequent
sessions, or kill the first session and allow subsequent sessions. This
should explain it better than I can
Don't know how big a task it would be for you to move to this, but it works
really well for us

If you provide a bit more information about what you are trying/need to do,
> someone my come up with a better idea.
> For example, what is the real problem - in your application - when two
> people at different computers login with the same user-id ?
> +1


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