2012/3/11 Konstantin Preißer <verlag.preis...@t-online.de>:
> Hi all,
> I have some questions about the documentation of the ISAPI Connector 1.2.32 
> (and about the connector itself).
> 1. In the Reference Guide for IIS 
> (http://tomcat.apache.org/connectors-doc/reference/iis.html), the registry 
> options are listed. For the option "enable_chunked_encoding" which controls 
> if chunked encoding is used, there is the note:
> "This option is considered experimental and its support must be compile time 
> enabled. Use isapi_redirect.dll with chunked support enabled."
> Is enabling chunked encoding still considered experimental? I'm using it 
> since one year or so on IIS 7 and never encountered any problems with it 
> (besides one or two bugs which I reported and got fixed). Also, I'm not sure 
> if the phrase "its support must be compile time enabled" currently still 
> applies, as it seems that the binaries are always compiled with support for 
> chunked encoding since 1.2.30 or so.
> I would consider chunked encoding support as a requirement for optimal 
> performance, because without supporting it, each time a response is sent to a 
> client without knowing the Content-Length in advance, the TCP connection has 
> to be closed (and re-opened when another request should be performed), which 
> is why I always enable chunked encoding in the ISAPI connector.
> If there are no problems with the chunked encoding reported, maybe the docs 
> could be changed to remove the "experimental" note? Maybe even the default 
> value for  "enable_chunked_encoding" in the connector itself could be changed 
> from "false" to "true"?
> 2. I observed that when a request is made to IIS which is mapped to Tomcat, 
> and the request path contains the string "WEB-INF", like
> http://www.example.com/test/asdf/blahblah/blah/WEB-INF/blahbla/asdf
> then the ISAPI connector logs a statement like this:
> [Sat Mar 10 22:34:58.030 2012] [11744:10792] [emerg] 
> handle_notify_event::jk_isapi_plugin.c (1997): 
> [/test/asdf/blahblah/blah/WEB-INF/blahbla/asdf] points to the web-inf or 
> meta-inf directory. Somebody tries to hack into the site!!!
> If I remember correctly, in some earlier versions of the ISAPI connector (or 
> IIS), in such cases the TCP connection from IIS to the client would also be 
> closed without any reply; however, in the current version, a 404 reply is 
> sent from the ISAPI connector.
> I'm wondering why the ISAPI redirector checks if "WEB-INF" is occurring in 
> the path, because Tomcat seems to already check if a request is made to the 
> WEB-INF or META-INF directory of an web application, and if so, sends back a 
> normal 404 response. Is this a kind of relict from earlier times? Because I 
> would expect that the ISAPI redirector just passes the request to Tomcat and 
> let Tomcat decide how requests to forbidden directories are handled, without 
> writing an "emergency" log entry.

Regarding this "2."nd question - see also this recent issue:

"False positive: Somebody try to hack into the site!!!"
> Fixed in r1187916, will be part of version 1.2.33.

Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko

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