On 1:59 PM, Nick Williams wrote:
We maintain a very large application, with somewhere around 2,000 JSP files
(in addition to ~250,000 lines of pure Java). We have decided it is about
time we ship our application with precompiled JSP files.

The Ant tasks from Tomcat to support this effort have been extremely
helpful, and I have no serious complaints about them. We can even use our
own package name for the JSPs. Great!

Our first challenge is that we support Tomcat, GlassFish, WebLogic and
WebSphere, so our JSPs have to be precompiled in such a way that they will
run in any of those web containers. We’ll overcome that challenge I’m sure;
if we have to include some extra libraries, we’ll make it work.

Our second  challenge is the 11,500-line web.xml file that results from
this process. I understand that Ant does a lot of the hard work for me, but
a web.xml file this large bothers me, even if I don’t have to look at it
during every day development. What’s more, we’re actually trying to *move
away* from having a web.xml file (of any real substance) and using new
Servlet 3.0 features.

I could swear I saw an example a while ago (while searching Google, of
course) of a web.xml file with a single servlet that responded to requests
for ALL JSPs that had be precompiled, but I can’t find it anywhere anymore.
I’m sure I *could* write my own servlet to accomplish this, but I’d sure
like to use something existing that already has common usage.

Does anyone have any ideas?

At least web.xml is auto-generated. Are all of the JSPs accessible as web pages? What I've seen uses annotations and then you have to live with the startup time.

-Terence Bandoian

P.S. Sorry about the direct e-mail.

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