On 05/07/2012 06:06 PM, André Warnier wrote:
Andy Wang wrote:
Hi all,
We've had a number of cases of people reporting to us that file downloads are slow when passed through tomcat and I've not been able to reproduce the problem on Linux but finally was provided a windows XP VM that was able to reproduce the problem.

This is Apache 2.2.22 and mod_jk 1.2.32 with tomcat 5.0.30 (yeah, I know this is ancient. I'll try with something newer tomorrow).

I have two URLs configured both with an identical iso file (roughly 450MB) in size. When I go through the URL configured to run directly through Apache the download speeds on the file are around 30MB/s which is reasonable for what I would expect on the network connection between the client and the web server.

The second URL is JkMount'ed through to tomcat and download the same file drops down to 5-6 MB/s (starts at 10-ish MB/s).

The one thing I haven't tried configuring is upping the ajp packet size because the version of tomcat I was provided doesn't support that, but otherwise the operating system is tuned so the TcpWindowSize is 131072.

Unfortunately, this is windows, and both apache and tomcat are local on the server so I can't sniff the packets between the two systems with wireshark.

I don't see anything on the mod_jk workers.properties configuration that deals with buffer sizes.

Hoping someone has some ideas on what to look at that might help tweak this thing to perform similarly to Apache direct downloads.

Considering your setup, it should not be too hard to set up a download of the same file file directly from Tomcat (through its HTTP Connector), to compare that with your two previous ways. This way, you could make sure if it is Tomcat, or the mod_jk/AJP link which is the issue.

Also, still considering your setup, it should be possible to configure things so that these file downloads are handled directly by Apache httpd, since that seems to satisfy your expectations. mod_jk "JkMount/JkUnMount" rules (*) should make that possible, no ? Have to be a bit careful not to introduce security holes, and I am assuming that the files are static (which may be wrong here).

(*) or the <Location ..> + "setHandler jakarta-servlet" configuration variation

Thanks for the http connector idea. I forgot about that. The primary reason why i'm using tomcat to download a static file is really for testing purposes to confirm performance between mod_jk and direct apache. we have servlets that stream content files that see the same massive performance hit so in our actual use case it's not static files :(. I'm thinking this would be a valid test to help at least tweak mod_jk to it's potential.

We've checked and double checked the buffering code of the servlets and it all looks fine AND the performance is fine on Linux and the speed characteristics are identical to serving static files through tomcat + mod_jk so I'm hoping that it's an apples to apples comparison.


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