On 08/05/2012 10:56, Mark Thomas wrote:
> On 08/05/2012 10:28, André Warnier wrote:
>> Christopher Schultz wrote:
>>> Hash: SHA1
>>> Mark,
>>> On 5/7/12 5:21 PM, Mark Thomas wrote:
>>>>> Christopher Schultz wrote:
>>>> Tomcat only processes these requests for Servlet 3.0 file upload
>>>> and there are already sufficient limits in place for that case to
>>>> prevent a DoS.
>>> Aah, right: multipart is only supported if the servlet has been marked
>>> as such, and therefore the developer knows to expect large mounts of
>>> data (and can configure such limits).
>>> The wildcard is the "casual multipart parsing" which allows any
>>> multipart request to be parsed without regard for such limits. Any
>>> limits (data size) imposed on the connector will be used in those
>>> cases, but "maximum number of parameters" is not one of them. I should
>>> probably update the documentation for that feature to make a note of
>>> this caveat.
>> From the documentation of Commons/fileUpload, it would seem rather
>> simple - for a Java guru - to implement a counter while processing the
>> POSTed parameters, and ignore what is above maxParameterCount :
>> Sample code from http://commons.apache.org/fileupload/using.html :
>> // Process the uploaded items
>> Iterator iter = items.iterator();
>> while (iter.hasNext()) {
>>     FileItem item = (FileItem) iter.next();
>>     if (item.isFormField()) {
>>         processFormField(item);
>>     } else {
>>         processUploadedFile(item);
>>     }
>> }
>> (Maybe the "items" object above already has a "size" or "length" method,
>> avoiding the counter logic altogether)
>> Of course by then, the POST has already been parsed, so I don't know if
>> this would help a lot to avoid a DOS attack.
>> But the maximum acceptable total size of the POST can be specified in
>> advance, to avoid this.  After all, if someone wants to allow POSTs with
>> 10,000 small parameters, then why not ?
>> I do not understand on the other hand the OP's later reference to a
>> "hash collision". That sounds like a JVM issue, rather than a
>> specifically Tomcat one, no ?
> It is a JVM issue (in my view and many others) but one Oracle has chosen
> not to fix.
> maxParameterCount was put in place as a mitigation for this issue. It
> looks like the OP may have a valid point regarding multi-part requests -
> at least as far as the Servlet 3.0 upload code is concerned. I need to
> do review the code to see exactly what is going on.

Yep, a one line fix was required. Fixed in trunk and 7.0.x and will be
in 7.0.28 omwards.


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