On 15/05/2012 23:32, Miguel González Castaños wrote:
> On 15/05/2012 17:22, André Warnier wrote:
>> Vickie Troy-McKoy wrote:
>> ...
>>> Thank you Andre for your help.  After I configured it as you
>>> specified, the behavior was the same as before I inquired on this forum. 
>> Well, it doesn't sound as if we really helped a lot then, or am I
>> misunderstanding this too ?
>> :-)
>> Note also for the record (and maybe a later enquiry) that it should
>> not really be necessary to have 2 separate Apache httpd instances.  At
>> least if we now understand properly what you are really trying to
>> achieve..
> Just wondering. With a 64 bits OS, how much RAM can you handle in a JVM
> and therefore with each instance of Tomcat? For a 12 Gb of RAM machine,
> it would be wise if you want to have this kind of setup (Apache and two
> Tomcat instances in the same machine) if you need more than 400-500
> concurrent users?

If this is a new question, please post it in a completely* new thread,
rather than hijacking someone else's.


* ie, no editing of subject & body from a reply to an existing thread.



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