
I'm using tomcat 7.0.27 and java 1.6 in ubuntu 11.10.

Here I'm not using Apache httpd instead the load balancer that we have
developed which will balance load within tomcat instances.

Obviously, the issue is with our load balancer since it is rewriting
the url to one of the actual running tomcat instance though the
request is to virtual host. Since we plan to use our load balancer, we
plan to send additional http header with virtual host information to
tomcat. In this case, how could i handle it in tomcat level?

I have defined the virtual hosts in Server.xml. And i have deployed
web applications inside the virtual host as well. When i was trying to
invoke those web application through virtual host from load balancer
only, i got the above problem.


On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 5:16 PM, Casper Wandahl Schmidt
<kalle.pri...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Den 29-05-2012 13:35, Reka Thirunavukkarasu skrev:
>> Hi
>> I'm configuring a load balancer in front of two tomcat instances in
>> the same machine. I wanted to access my name based virtual host which
>> was created across those two tomcat instances through load balancer.
>> In this case, when i send a request like the following: say my load
>> balancer is running in port 8280 as https:
>>                            https://VirtualHostName:8280/
>> The request at the tomcat is to localhost not to the above
>> VirtualHost. Can i be able to access name based virtual host through a
>> load balancer in tomcat, since the mapping in load balancer is to the
>> actual tomcat instances not to the virtual host. Could you please let
>> me know how to overcome such an issue in tomcat?
> I think you need the <Host> element in your server.xml on each tomcat but
> it's hard to say since you have said nothing about your environment or
> configurations. I have apache httpd in front of tomcat (using mod_jk without
> loadbalancing) and uses it to access virtual hostnames (named based) without
> any problem.
>> Thanks,
>> Reka
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> Med venlig hilsen/Kind regards
> Casper W. Schmidt
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