On 29/05/2012 16:03, Kevin wrote:
> Hi
> We have a cluster of tomcat servers being used on a very high volume
> website. We've noticed that for the first 5-6 hours after an application
> re-load that Full GC will run every 2 minutes pausing the application for
> anywhere between 5 and 20 seconds. After 5-6 hours the full GC will no
> longer run until tomcat is reloaded.  This behavior is repeatable.
> We discounted our EhCache settings as potential issue because tomcat can
> be killed without this issue showing up.  It's not until we actually
> reload the WAR with changes (clearing the work directory) and restart
> tomcat that this issue shows up.  Traffic level isn't a factor we'll go
> through our peak hours with no problem.
> The servers are all dual quad core with 32GB of RAM running Centos 5 and
> tomcat 6.0.18.  We've attempted every suggested GC setting change
> suggested on the net and by developers and system administrators.  Our
> java opts are being played with on a daily basis however here are the
> settings that correspond to the sample GC log below:

Exactly which version of Java are you using?

> -server -Xmx27g -Xms27g  -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC
> -XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution  -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=900000
> -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=900000 -XX:NewSize=8g -XX:SurvivorRatio=16
> -verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:+PrintGCDetails

You are doing a hot deployment with a 27G heap?

How big is permgen?

Are you completely sure the application doesn't have any memory leaks?

Have you tried running your application on a more recent version of Tomcat?


> 215.501: [GC 215.504: [ParNew
> Desired survivor size 238583808 bytes, new threshold 15 (max 15)
> - age   1:   50457968 bytes,   50457968 total
> : 7456799K->111048K(7922624K), 0.0617110 secs]
> 8614906K->1269155K(27845568K), 0.0661400 secs] [Times: user=0.68 sys=0.00,
> real=0.07 secs]
> 215.577: [GC 215.579: [ParNew
> Desired survivor size 238583808 bytes, new threshold 15 (max 15)
> - age   1:      66288 bytes,      66288 total
> - age   2:   50219144 bytes,   50285432 total
> : 114868K->66525K(7922624K), 0.0381810 secs]
> 1272975K->1224632K(27845568K), 0.0413630 secs] [Times: user=0.46 sys=0.00,
> real=0.04 secs]
> 236.177: [GC 236.180: [ParNew
> Desired survivor size 238583808 bytes, new threshold 15 (max 15)
> - age   1:   45071064 bytes,   45071064 total
> - age   2:      26112 bytes,   45097176 total
> - age   3:   34785960 bytes,   79883136 total
> : 7523165K->110355K(7922624K), 0.0921350 secs]
> 8681272K->1268462K(27845568K), 0.0969290 secs] [Times: user=0.95 sys=0.01,
> real=0.10 secs]
> ...
> 316.456: [GC 316.459: [ParNew
> Desired survivor size 238583808 bytes, new threshold 15 (max 15)
> - age   1:   41430416 bytes,   41430416 total
> - age   3:   22728376 bytes,   64158792 total
> - age   5:   19599960 bytes,   83758752 total
> - age   6:   21847616 bytes,  105606368 total
> - age   7:   27667592 bytes,  133273960 total
> - age   8:      10904 bytes,  133284864 total
> - age   9:   31824256 bytes,  165109120 total
> : 7650333K->215213K(7922624K), 0.1332630 secs]
> 8808440K->1373320K(27845568K), 0.1380590 secs] [Times: user=1.45 sys=0.01,
> real=0.14 secs]
> 338.851: [GC 338.854: [ParNew
> Desired survivor size 238583808 bytes, new threshold 15 (max 15)
> - age   1:   40678840 bytes,   40678840 total
> - age   2:   27075936 bytes,   67754776 total
> - age   4:   20399720 bytes,   88154496 total
> - age   6:   19271008 bytes,  107425504 total
> - age   7:   21655032 bytes,  129080536 total
> - age   8:   27118800 bytes,  156199336 total
> - age   9:      10904 bytes,  156210240 total
> - age  10:   31747808 bytes,  187958048 total
> : 7671853K->285541K(7922624K), 0.1456470 secs]
> 8829960K->1443648K(27845568K), 0.1503540 secs] [Times: user=1.62 sys=0.01,
> real=0.15 secs]
> 343.376: [Full GC 343.378: [CMS: 1158107K->1312570K(19922944K), 3.4129290
> secs] 2884580K->1312570K(27845568K), [CMS Perm : 83964K->47203K(83968K)],
> 3.4168600 secs] [Times: user=3.87 sys=0.02, real=3.41 secs]
> **Last Full GC**
> 20517.892: [GC 20517.898: [ParNew
> Desired survivor size 238583808 bytes, new threshold 15 (max 15)
> - age   1:   33948208 bytes,   33948208 total
> - age   2:      88280 bytes,   34036488 total
> - age   3:   19872472 bytes,   53908960 total
> - age   4:   16072608 bytes,   69981568 total
> - age   5:   15718712 bytes,   85700280 total
> - age   6:   15771016 bytes,  101471296 total
> - age   7:   16895976 bytes,  118367272 total
> - age   8:   24233728 bytes,  142601000 total
> : 7618727K->200950K(7922624K), 0.1728420 secs]
> 16794482K->9376705K(27845568K), 0.1822350 secs] [Times: user=2.21
> sys=0.01, real=0.18 secs]
> 20526.469: [Full GC 20526.475: [CMS: 9175755K->9210800K(19922944K),
> 33.1161300 secs] 13632232K->9210800K(27845568K), [CMS Perm :
> 83967K->53332K(83968K)], 33.1254170 secs] [Times: user=33.12 sys=0.02,
> real=33.12 secs]
> **Log samples after Full GC no longer runs**
> 74412.335: [GC 74412.340: [ParNew
> Desired survivor size 238583808 bytes, new threshold 11 (max 15)
> - age   1:   43614032 bytes,   43614032 total
> - age   2:   41194144 bytes,   84808176 total
> - age   3:   27392888 bytes,  112201064 total
> - age   5:   22753896 bytes,  134954960 total
> - age   7:   24439608 bytes,  159394568 total
> - age   8:   24015704 bytes,  183410272 total
> - age   9:   24080848 bytes,  207491120 total
> - age  10:   24715800 bytes,  232206920 total
> - age  11:   21844024 bytes,  254050944 total
> : 7813778K->312911K(7922624K), 0.3329150 secs]
> 24426351K->16967791K(27845568K), 0.3416730 secs] [Times: user=3.69
> sys=0.02, real=0.35 secs]
> 74445.007: [GC 74445.012: [ParNew
> Desired survivor size 238583808 bytes, new threshold 11 (max 15)
> - age   1:   42690688 bytes,   42690688 total
> - age   2:   37055848 bytes,   79746536 total
> - age   3:   37107464 bytes,  116854000 total
> - age   4:   26223088 bytes,  143077088 total
> - age   6:   22478672 bytes,  165555760 total
> - age   8:   24259744 bytes,  189815504 total
> - age   9:   23862672 bytes,  213678176 total
> - age  10:   23911864 bytes,  237590040 total
> - age  11:   24496888 bytes,  262086928 total
> : 7769547K->344030K(7922624K), 0.3088470 secs]
> 24424428K->17021685K(27845568K), 0.3175830 secs] [Times: user=3.57
> sys=0.01, real=0.32 secs]
> 74475.169: [GC 74475.175: [ParNew
> Desired survivor size 238583808 bytes, new threshold 10 (max 15)
> - age   1:   42011656 bytes,   42011656 total
> - age   2:   33147608 bytes,   75159264 total
> - age   3:   32391640 bytes,  107550904 total
> - age   4:   36516584 bytes,  144067488 total
> - age   5:   25940856 bytes,  170008344 total
> - age   7:   22037464 bytes,  192045808 total
> - age   9:   24130040 bytes,  216175848 total
> - age  10:   23724672 bytes,  239900520 total
> - age  11:   23329640 bytes,  263230160 total
> : 7803184K->331046K(7922624K), 0.3091600 secs]
> 24480839K->17033619K(27845568K), 0.3179630 secs] [Times: user=3.56
> sys=0.01, real=0.32 secs]**Log samples after Full GC no longer runs**
> 74412.335: [GC 74412.340: [ParNew
> Desired survivor size 238583808 bytes, new threshold 11 (max 15)
> - age   1:   43614032 bytes,   43614032 total
> - age   2:   41194144 bytes,   84808176 total
> - age   3:   27392888 bytes,  112201064 total
> - age   5:   22753896 bytes,  134954960 total
> - age   7:   24439608 bytes,  159394568 total
> - age   8:   24015704 bytes,  183410272 total
> - age   9:   24080848 bytes,  207491120 total
> - age  10:   24715800 bytes,  232206920 total
> - age  11:   21844024 bytes,  254050944 total
> : 7813778K->312911K(7922624K), 0.3329150 secs]
> 24426351K->16967791K(27845568K), 0.3416730 secs] [Times: user=3.69
> sys=0.02, real=0.35 secs]
> 74445.007: [GC 74445.012: [ParNew
> Desired survivor size 238583808 bytes, new threshold 11 (max 15)
> - age   1:   42690688 bytes,   42690688 total
> - age   2:   37055848 bytes,   79746536 total
> - age   3:   37107464 bytes,  116854000 total
> - age   4:   26223088 bytes,  143077088 total
> - age   6:   22478672 bytes,  165555760 total
> - age   8:   24259744 bytes,  189815504 total
> - age   9:   23862672 bytes,  213678176 total
> - age  10:   23911864 bytes,  237590040 total
> - age  11:   24496888 bytes,  262086928 total
> : 7769547K->344030K(7922624K), 0.3088470 secs]
> 24424428K->17021685K(27845568K), 0.3175830 secs] [Times: user=3.57
> sys=0.01, real=0.32 secs]
> 74475.169: [GC 74475.175: [ParNew
> Desired survivor size 238583808 bytes, new threshold 10 (max 15)
> - age   1:   42011656 bytes,   42011656 total
> - age   2:   33147608 bytes,   75159264 total
> - age   3:   32391640 bytes,  107550904 total
> - age   4:   36516584 bytes,  144067488 total
> - age   5:   25940856 bytes,  170008344 total
> - age   7:   22037464 bytes,  192045808 total
> - age   9:   24130040 bytes,  216175848 total
> - age  10:   23724672 bytes,  239900520 total
> - age  11:   23329640 bytes,  263230160 total
> : 7803184K->331046K(7922624K), 0.3091600 secs]
> 24480839K->17033619K(27845568K), 0.3179630 secs] [Times: user=3.56
> sys=0.01, real=0.32 secs]
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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