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On 6/1/12 4:44 AM, André Warnier wrote:
> Or to phrase the question otherwise : are there strong reasons to
> push for installing instead an Oracle/Sun 1.6 JVM on that system
> (outside the SEL package management system and thus risking to
> inconvenience the sysadmins) to run Tomcat 6 on it ?

Sun/Oracle seems to be the most "compatible" JVM out there, but the
IVM JVM has already been very good. It used to be (10 years ago?) that
the IBM JVM was measurably faster than the Sun JVM, though it tended
to eat-up memory more quickly.

OpenJDK is also a very solid JVM these days.

I believe Oracle recently changed the redistribution license for the
JDK/JRE such that Linux package managers either cannot or choose not
to provide the Sun/Oracle JVM anymore. Most of the time, I see OpenJDK
as the default.

If the IBM JVM is already installed, give it a try. If you have
nothing installed already, you might want to see if the OpenJDK JVM is
an option and go with that. The more users the better.

- -chris
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