On 7 Jun 2012, at 23:03, Daniel Mikusa <dmik...@vmware.com> wrote:

> ----- Original Message -----
>> Only 52 java threads.  It used to fluctuate more (we made some
>> changes
>> to the app to perform a task in a single thread rather than spawning
>> multiple threads, but the crash still occurs) . The number of threads
>> is always below 100.
>> jstack -F 21370 | grep ^Thread | wc -l
>> ps -T -p 21370   (This gives me 63)
>> I don't seem to specify the -Xss option:
> In some applications with a large number of threads (particularly when 
> running on 64-bit hardware) this setting can cause a problems.  The default 
> value is pretty large (I think it's 1M on 64-bit systems).  Since most apps 
> don't need that large of a value, an easy performance tuning step is to lower 
> the value of -Xss.
> Since you don't have very many threads, it seems unlikely that this is 
> causing your problem though.
> That being said, you could try explicitly setting a value for the thread 
> stack size.  Finding the right values takes some testing though.  I usually 
> start with something like 192k and run a few application tests.  If I see any 
> stack overflow exceptions then I increase the value and rerun the tests.  
> Repeat until there are no stack overflow exceptions.
> On a different note, what is the specific version of the JVM that you are 
> running?  If it's not the latest, you could always try upgrading to the 
> latest version.

You need to hook up the VisualVM + Memory Pools plugin.

This will show you where the memory is being consumed, if it's by the JVM.


>> Xms6g -Xmx6g -XX:NewSize=4G -XX:MaxNewSize=4G -XX:SurvivorRatio=6
>> -XX:MaxPermSize=512M -XX:-UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseStringCache
>> -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=/home/example/logs
>> -Jorge
>> On Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 12:07 PM, Daniel Mikusa <dmik...@vmware.com>
>> wrote:
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>> I am using MongoDB through the Java driver allowing up to 100
>>>> connections to the MongoDB server.
>>>> I also use DBCP with a max size of 50 JDBC connections.
>>>> My webapp uses about 150 JAR files.
>>>> There is no native libraries loaded from my webapp as far as I
>>>> know.
>>>> All the app is pure Java code.  (Nevertheless, Tomcat is using the
>>>> Tomcat Native Library)
>>>> Is there a way I can monitor the number of file descriptors in use
>>>> by
>>>> the app?
>>>> I have monitored the number of threads, but I haven't seen
>>>> anything
>>>> unusual.
>>> How many threads have you observed?  Total threads, not just
>>> threads for the connector.
>>> Also, what is the value you are using for thread stack size?  -Xss
>>> Dan
>>> (but it could be that the burst is too fast to get catch by
>>>> the monitoring tool)
>>>> -Jorge
>>>> On Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 11:44 AM, Christopher Schultz
>>>> <ch...@christopherschultz.net> wrote:
>>>>> Hash: SHA1
>>>>> Jorge,
>>>>> On 6/6/12 5:33 PM, Jorge Medina wrote:
>>>>>> The web application uses Spring/Postgres/Mongo.
>>>>> Are you using MongoDB in-process or anything weird like that? Or
>>>>> are
>>>>> you connecting through some socket-based (or other) API?
>>>>>> It looks like a memory leak in native code, not java code; so
>>>>>> my
>>>>>> usual java toolset is not useful.
>>>>> If what you are observing is accurate (non-heap memory grows,
>>>>> heap
>>>>> stays reasonable) then it will definitely be more difficult to
>>>>> track-down.
>>>>>> Tomcat runs behind nginx in a EC2 instance. The application
>>>>>> uses
>>>>>> Sun (now Oracle) JDK 1.6.
>>>>>> Any suggestions on what should I look at?
>>>>> What do your <Connectors> look like? How many JDBC connections
>>>>> do
>>>>> you
>>>>> have in your connection pool (which you are hopefully using!)?
>>>>> How
>>>>> about the same equivalent for MongoDB?
>>>>> Does your webapp keep lots of files open? Do you have an
>>>>> unusually-large number of JAR files in your webapp? Do you have
>>>>> any
>>>>> native libraries in use within your webapp?
>>>>> What are all the non-default system properties that you are
>>>>> setting
>>>>> at
>>>>> JVM launch time (you can easily see this from a 'ps' list)?
>>>>> Two things that can eat-up native memory fast in a JVM are file
>>>>> descriptors and threads, so let's start there.
>>>>> - -chris
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