
There was a recent change to how Tomcat handles the Content-Type response 
header in order to address Bug #52811 

We've noticed that this can cause issues with client code when parsing the 
response.  We traced the issue to that fact that Tomcat now breaks apart the 
content type string and then reassembles it. 
  A space character before a 'boundary=' clause that would be part of the 
original content-type string would be removed as a result.  For example, what 
used to be

Content-Type: multipart/related;type="text/xml"; boundary=MIME_boundary

Is now (since 7.0.27)

Content-Type: multipart/related;type="text/xml";boundary=MIME_boundary

Technically speaking, there’s nothing wrong with this and I think it follows 
the MIME standard outlined in RFC-2045. (http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2045.txt)

However, it does break clients that may be using libraries that are not so 
tolerant.  For instance, the Ruby library soap4r fails to parse the response 
header in this case.  Would it be possible for Tomcat to somehow retain spacing 
format from the original setContentType call?



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