I have a situation where i have several tomcats installed on the same server 
(windows) Each tomcat has its own ports the first listens to 8080 ajp 8009 the 
second listens to 8081 ajp 8010

I have this problem running 7 tomcats from port 8080 to 8086 work fine but ajp 
of the first 3 (8009,8010,8011) stop working (while they work if each tomcat is 
run in isolation). It seems like no more than 4 ajp listeners can run...how 
this can be?

Anyone can help?

Pierluigi Santin
Tel. 0432 421000
Cell. 3939013490

Fintel Engineering S.r.l.

Sede Friuli:
Via del Cotonificio, 129/b
33100 Udine UD

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Via Friuli, 10
31020 San Vendemiano TV


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