in TomEE Plume 1.7.3 i could pass a resource bundle to xslt using 
Transformer transformer = templates.newTransformer();
if (resourceBundle != null)
 transformer.setParameter("resources", resourceBundle);

then access it in the stylesheet by:
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
 xmlns:java="java" exclude-result-prefixes="fo">
 <xsl:param name="resources" />
<xsl:value-of select="java:getString($resources,'ledger2')" />

i used to be able to just do:
<xsl:param name="resources"
select="java:util.ResourceBundle.getBundle('com.example.messages')" />
but that is another story

now in TomEE 7.0.1 Plus i get:
javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException: The first argument to
the non-static Java function 'getString' is not a valid object reference.

has anything changed with respect to the xslt processor that might have
changed how this works?  could you point me to an explanation of the new
method of getting it to work?

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