You can certainly make remote calls to JBoss in the same way you would do
with a regular client. You'd need to include the JBoss client jars, and use
the appropriate URL and context factory in your InitialContext. This should
be a reasonable approach.

JBoss itself has the concept of an ExternalContext which effectively maps
an external JNDI into a local one. TomEE doesn't have its own equivalent
that I know of, but it might be possible to come up with something similar.
If I get a chance later this week I'll see if I can hack something up.


On Tue, Jul 10, 2018 at 10:29 PM, Joshua Sharf <> wrote:

> Is there a way to make an RMI call *from* a TomEE server *to* a JBoss
> EJB?  I
> know we can set up TomEE to host EJBs, but that's not what we want to do.
> We want to make the call from TomEE to the remote EJB,
> We're running TomEE Plume 7.0.4, and EAP7.
> Thanks for any help you can give us,
> Joshua Sharf
> --
> Sent from:
> f979441.html

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