Hi Caser, 
Thanks for replying. 
I am trying to remove the implementation of ejb which were deployed on the
Jboss using the openejb. Since the same code base will be deployed on other
server. So that we don't have any implementation difference while deploying
on both these servers. 
Its ear file which is deployed on the Jboss server. All that i did is
implemented the context to get from the 
EJBContainer ejbContainer = EJBContainer.createEJBContainer(p);
            Context context = ejbContainer.getContext();
and the rest context is use to lookup the beans or datasource etc. 
I have written junits and it works perfect.  
In the ear i added the dependency jars which are required for the openejb. 
While brining up the server i see those errrors. 
If I remove the openejb specific jars. The server comes up. But it throws
while creating the context as No class found. 
So i believe this is something to do with the openejb specific jars. But i
am not able to figure out why its causing the error. 
Hope this help. Please help me to solve this issue. I am in tight with the
schedule.. or else i have look for some other options. 

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