As a more concise example, the code here using a @Startup @Singleton with a
@PersistenceContext isn't working for me, it results in the entity manager
being null when provided a correct unitName and a proper entity to fetch. I
know that example is using OpenJPA and not hibernate,  I'm wondering if I'm
missing something or if this is a bug.

On Wed, Jul 24, 2019 at 4:07 PM Kean Erickson <>

> I have an EJB class annotated  @Singleton and @Startup.
> This class in turn contains an @Inject-ed EJB that is @Stateless, and this
> stateless EJB has a @Persistence EntityManager.
> I'm finding that, when my startup code runs and calls into the stateless,
> its EntityManager is still null (see attached log). This happens under
> TomEE 1.7.0 too so I don't think it's a regression. But the exact same code
> was working for me once upon a time on the same system (with the same java
> JDK as well) so I'm not sure what's going on. If I don't use @Startup at
> all, there's never any issue reaching the injected EntityManager. Is there
> any reason that CDI would not have been ready by the time a stateless
> singleton would be able to run?
> I'm using hibernate as a provider rather than openJPA, and it works fine
> until I use this arrangement.
> Using windows 10, Java 8, JDK oracle 201.
> Thanks,
> -Kean

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