Hello, everybody,
In TomEE 7.x Johnzon is the standard implementation of JASON-B, if I understood 
it correctly.
I try to replace Johnzon specific annotations like @JohnzonIgnore and 
@JohnzonConverter with standard annotations of javax.xml.bind.
@JsonbTransient works as a full replacement to @JohnzonIgnore. Other 
annotations like @JsonbDateFormat and
@JsonbTypeAdapters are not considered.
And although there is the 
org.apache.johnzon.jsonb.converter.JsonbLocalDateConverter in the Lybrary 
org.apache.johnzon:johnzon-jsonb:1.0.1, using LocaleDate without 
@JohnzonConverter doesn't work at all.
Am I doing something wrong or do I have to configure Johnzon in TomEE 7.1.0? Or 
am I assuming wrong?
With the change from TomEE 7.0.4 to TomEE 7.1.0 I also had the problem that 
@XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) was no longer considered by Johnzon. I 
was able to solve the problem quite elegantly with @Getter from Lombok.

Best regards Martin

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