Hello Jonathan,

Thanks for the info :-)

Just my 2 cents regarding MP:
     - 8.0.0 (MP 2.1), 8.0.1 (MP2.2)
     - 8.1.0 (MP 3.0)

Regarding Jakarta 8.0 compliancy, it should be good to know about the 10% non 
compliant implementation. Is it JMS (not really JMS 2.0 compliant)? Or other 
parts ?

Best Regards.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan Gallimore [mailto:jonathan.gallim...@gmail.com]
Sent: mercredi 25 septembre 2019 12:49
To: users@tomee.apache.org
Subject: Re: TomEE 8.0.0 MP version compliance ?


David posted on the dev@ mailing list a couple of days ago:

Jakarta EE 8 status.  TomEE 8.0.0 is to my understanding about 90% complete 
with the Web Profile.  Open question is where do we want to do the work to 
finish Jakarta EE 8 compliance?  In the past discussions (2 years ago), there 
was a preference to kick out TomEE 7 not certified and aim at a 7.1 for 
certification.  We didn't end up getting the Java EE 7 TCK, but do we want to 
follow this path for Jakarta EE 8? (leave 8.0.x stable fixes only, do 
compliance work in a future 8.1?).  That would mean trunk would most likely 
need to updated to 8.1.0-SNAPSHOT.

MicroProfile status.  TomEE 8.0.0 is MicroProfile 2.1 compliant.  Making it 
MicroProfile 3.0 compliant involves a major upgrade from OpenTracing 1.x to 2.x 
and a breaking change to update to MicroProfile Metrics 2.x.  Do we want to do 
this in 8.0.x or push this in an 8.1.x? (as noted above, would most likely mean 
we need to update trunk to 8.1.0-SNAPSHOT).

I appreciate folks who are only on the user@ list probably didn't see this.
I'd encourage you to post your thoughts either on David's original post, or 
here. I don't know that I have a strong view, but I'd prefer fewer branches to 
maintain rather than more. I think feedback from the community, particularly 
those using MicroProfile and would therefore be impacted by the breaking 
changes to move to MP 3.0 would be very much appreciated.


On Wed, Sep 25, 2019 at 11:35 AM COURTAULT Francois < 
francois.courta...@thalesgroup.com> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> Any answer to the question below ?
> I have another one: what about Java EE/Jakarta EE 8 compliancy for
> TomEE 8 ?
> Best Regards.
> From: COURTAULT Francois
> Sent: lundi 23 septembre 2019 08:38
> To: users@tomee.apache.org
> Subject: TomEE 8.0.0 MP version compliance ?
> Hello every one,
> Congrats for the 8.0.0 release :)
> They are some questions about  production usage : I have the same concern.
> Just want also to know if TomEE 8 is MP 2.0, 2.1 or 2.2 compliant:
> could you please provide this information ?
> Best Regards.
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