Hi Paul

You able to create an as small as possible sample, maybe based on
https://github.com/apache/tomee/tree/master/examples/async-servlet? I'm
struggling a little to picture the code in my head. It sounds likely
related to the two different threads. I'm sure we can at least help figure
out a workaround.


On Mon, Oct 7, 2019 at 1:01 PM Paul Carter-Brown
<paul.carter-br...@jini.guru> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a scenario as follows:
> 1) JAX-RS request comes into TomEE 8.0.0 and hits a stateless EJB of mine
> 2) The EJB has an object called UserContext injected which is
> @RequestScoped
> 3) userContext in turn injects HttpServletRequest with @Context
> 4) I use userContext fine. All is good and it can access the
> HttpServletRequest
> 5) My EJB does a rest call to another system. This rest call uses asynhttp
> with reactive programming and returns a CompletionStage.
> 6) my EJB code does a .thenAccept on the completionstage and in this code
> we try and use the injected UserContext. Here we get an error when
> UserCOntext tries to use HttpServletRequest.
> java.lang.IllegalStateException: No CXF message usable for JAX-RS
> @Context injections in that thread so can't use interface
> javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest
> I believe this is due to the completionstage being executed on a different
> thread. E.g.. steps 1-5 use TomEE-Exec-1 while step 6 uses async-http-3-3.
> To resolve this I got UserContext to eagerly load the data it needs
> from HttpServletRequest
> in step 3 so that at step 6 no calls to HttpServletRequest are needed. It
> seems though that the userContext is proxied by webbeans and I get a
> different instance on the different thread and this new instance has none
> of my eagerly loaded data in it.
> Does anyone know how to resolve this issue. Basically I want to somehow get
> step 6 to use the exact instance of UserContext as step 2 even though they
> are on different threads.
> Paul Carter-Brown
> Director
> Jini Guru
> m: +27 (0) 83 442 7179 <+27834427179>
> a: 1st Floor, Golf House, Design Quarter, Cnr. William Nicol and Leslie
>   Johannesburg, South Africa
> w: jini.guru  e: p...@jini.guru
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