
It should be also relevant to include in the Release notes the MicroProfile 
specifications that are covered (haven't check if it's already written or not).

Best Regards.

-----Original Message-----
From: African Wild Dog [mailto:paintedlyc...@gmail.com]
Sent: mercredi 13 novembre 2019 23:05
To: users@tomee.apache.org
Subject: Re: TomEE - 8.0.0 - Release notes?

> Correct. We're missing some of the lesser used, older full profile specs.
> We're not intending to certify the full profile, although the plus and
> plume distributions do ship with things like connectors and JMS which
> work well.

About the 8.0.0 release, could you list the specs already implemented?

The comparison page 
is outdated (only the Tomee 7 specs):

*TomEE 7 targets JavaEE 7 and implements these specifications (in parenthesis 
the distibution(s) containing it if not part of the basic


   *WebSocket JSR 356*

   *JSON-P JSR 353*

   *Servlet 3.1 JSR 340*

   *JSF 2.2 JSR 344*

   *EL 3.0 JSR 341*

   *JSP 2.3 JSR 245*

   *JSTL 1.2 JSR 52*

   *JBatch (plus) JSR 352*

   *Concurrency utilities for EE JSR 236*

*CDI 1.2, DI, Interceptors 1.2, Common Annotations JSR 346 + JSR 330 JSR
   318 + JSR 250*

   *Bean Validation 1.1 JSR 349*

   *EJB 3.2 JSR 345*

   *JavaEE Connector JSR 322*

   *JPA 2.1 JSR 338 (WARNING: openjpa based distributions provide a JPA 2.0

   *JMS 2.0 JSR 343 (layer based on ActiveMQ 5 / JMS 1.1 for default

   *JTA 1.2 JSR 907*

   *Javamail 1.4 (NOTE: EE 7 requires 1.5)*

   *JAX-RS 2.0 JSR 339*

   *JAX-WS 2.2 JSR 224*

   *JAXB 2.2 JSR 222*

   *and more inherited from TomEE 1/JavaEE 6*
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