Hi Yann-
  By going to the Traffic Monitor GUI, you can see a view of the health of the 
cache. The webpage will show each cache on a separate row with current values 
for liveness, load avg and bandwidth.

You may also want to check the error log on Traffic Monitor to see if its 
having any issues reaching the edge cache astats endpoint. The current 
configuration you have below assumes that the edge cache is listening on the 
eth0 interface.


On May 17, 2018, at 4:51 AM, 
yann.lev...@orange.com<mailto:yann.lev...@orange.com> wrote:


I have some trouble understanding a problem with traffic router.

After installing a new TR (version 2.1), I can’t make it work for a simple HTTP 
delivery service (service name = arte – CDN name = traffic).

--2018-05-16 17:53:48--  
Résolution de 
Connexion vers 
requête HTTP transmise, en attente de la réponse...503 Service Indisponible
2018-05-16 17:53:48 ERREUR 503: Service Indisponible.

The information in access.log is
qtype=HTTP chi= rhi=- 
 cqhm=GET cqhv=HTTP/1.1 rtype=MISS rloc="-" rdtl=DS_NO_BYPASS rerr="-" rgb="-" 
pssc=503 ttms=0,742 rurl="-" rurls="-" rh="-"

I guess the TR doesn’t find an available cache server but where could I find 
this information?

For example, the following TR API 
 seems to point out that there would be no available bandwidth from the cache.
Could it be the reason why no cache is found/used by traffic router ?

I am wondering if the CR config below is ok ?
(I don’t use a CZF and it is not clear to me why it could cause some problems. )


Many thanks for your help.
Best regards


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