we want to enable collapse forwarding plugin in Apache Traffic Server rpm with 
the version 6.2.2 provided by Traffic Controller v2.1.0.
but, we have a problem when collapse forwarding plugin is enabled in 
plugin.config file. 
This is the line we used for adding plugin
#--plugin.confcollapsed_forwarding.so --delay=5000 --retries=1
and this is the error message from diags.log #---diags.log
[Mar 22 13:12:38.102] Server {0x2b60b11f5900} NOTE: loading plugin 

[Mar 22 13:12:38.102] Server {0x2b60b11f5900} FATAL: unable to find 
TSPluginInit function in 
'/opt/trafficserver/libexec/trafficserver/collapsed_forwarding.so': (null)
has anyone used collapse forwarding plugin with this tc and ts versions?
best regards

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