I am running a report from dnsreports.com for my domain cpsi-mis.com
I am getting a couple of fails that I need to work out.
Missing (stealth) nameservers
I think this might be the problem: I am not getting the ns entry with
vegasdns (or maybe I don't understand dns fully) My DNS server is
ns-atl-b.cpsinet.com but I cannot enter that as a NS record. I will
enter in as ns-atl-b.cpsinet.com.cpsi-mis.com. How can this be resolved?
The next error is
*Stealth NS record leakage
What is this and how can I plug the leak?
I am also getting a warn about this:
WARNING: Your SOA (Start of Authority) record states that your *master*
(primary) name server is: **. However, that server is not
listed at the parent servers as one of your NS records! This is probably
legal, but you should be sure that you know what you are doing.
and this:
WARNING: Your SOA serial number is: *1134711922*. That is OK, but the
recommended format (per RFC1912
<http://www.DNSstuff.com/pages/rfc1912.htm> 2.2) is YYYYMMDDnn, where
'nn' is the revision. For example, if you are making the 3rd change on
02 May 2000, you would use 2000050203. This number *must* be incremented
every time you make a DNS change.
Your SOA serial appears to be the number of seconds since midnight 01
Jan 1970 when the last DNS change was made (tinydns format). That works
out to be *Fri Dec 16 00:45:22 2005 * GMT.
Thaks for the help in clearing these up. Great product by the way.