It doesn't work!

My files:

more named.conf:

acl internal { ip.ip.0.0/17; };

options {
     directory "/home/emilio/GR/dns";           // Working directory
     pid-file "/usr/local/bind/";              // Put pid file in worki
     auth-nxdomain no;
     allow-query { internal; };              // This is the default
     allow-transfer { IP1; IP2;; };
     allow-recursion { internal; };
     allow-notify { internal; };
     provide-ixfr no ;
     listen-on { IP2; };
     query-source address IP2 port 53;




ps -ef | grep named
    root  5004     1  0 17:36:17 ?        0:00 /usr/local/sbin/named
-c /home/emilio/GR/dns/named.conf


I removed the file php.ini and restarted the apache server, but nothing!!!!


Any sugestions??



2008/2/15, Mohammad Shami Al-Shami <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> This happened to me a few days ago.
>  1) Check if named allows zone transfers to the vegadns IP.
>  2) Check that bind is installed
>  3) Check your PHP settings, when this happened to me I removed
>  php.ini, restarted apache and then the transfer was working smoothly
>  Hope that helps
>  On 2/15/08, Emilio Muno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > I have a djbdns working with a lot of domains. I need to import more
>  > 30 domains. When I try to import with vegadns interface, i receive the
>  > message:
>  >
>  > Error: could not do axfr-get for
>  >
>  >
>  > I'm importing from a bind server running in another address in same 
> computer.
>  >
>  > djbdns: ip1
>  > vegadns: ip2
>  >
>  > named: ip2
>  >
>  >
>  > what's going on?
>  >
>  > thanks in advance,
>  >
>  >
>  > emilio
>  >
> --
>  Mohammad Al-Shami
>  Linux Administrator

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