
We are using tinydns/vegadns (just upgraded to 0.9.10) as our NS1, and are now using our provider Name Server (ProDNS) as NS2.
We have this working fine using Henning Brauer's tinydns-notify.pl script.

Currently, Vegadns reports that each domains uses tyndns' default serial.
This is a major issue in our setup, let me explain:

Currently, the update-data.sh script generates a data file with no serials in it, leaving it up to tinydns to include it's own serial for each domain when the "make" command is issued (at least from what i've understood, pls correct me if i'm wrong). This means, that tinydns injects the same serial to all domains, i guess because it cannot guess which zone has been changed ; we need to keep a track of each domain's serial in the vegadns db.

So comes the question, how to make sure each domains' serial is stored in it's own table, and that only the modified domain gets it's serial increased ? I guess that would mean something matching what's roughly explained in lifewithdjbdns as "6.5.1. Exporting tinydns-data from a Relational Database (RDBMS)"

Now the CHANGELOG 0.9.6 says :
       - Add serial record support

How does this work (i don't see anything related in the docs) ?

Best regards to everyone.


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