On 8/17/07, Eelco Hillenius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > you know damn well thats not what i meant! jackass. the current  "global
> id"
> > idea is simply not enough to fix much of anything.
> :)
> I was merely seeing it as a starting point for thinking about a
> solution. I think it would be possible, though like I said, it would
> very easily become over-engineered.
> So - considering you don't think a global id is any use to start with
> - that leaves us with having a shared jar then, right? Or do you have
> other ideas?

unfortunately for now yes. we would need a shared jar that includes the
kitchensink version of the lib. we would also need some rudementary
versioning support. maybe something like

class DojoModalPanel extends WebComponent implements IHeaderContrubutor {
  renderhead(iheaderresponse response) {
    DojoLibrary dojo=new DojoLibrary();
    dojo.setMiniumVersion(new Version(0,4,2));
    dojo.setMaximumVersion(new Version(0,8,2));

that way components can request versions and maybe we can pick the one that
can satisfy all components or errorout/warn if we cannot satisfy some

it still sucks because you wont know until runtime if it works or not, and
it can break if you add some incompatible component later, but what can you


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