Maybe its just late and I'm not thinking straight, but I can't figure
out the best way to create a custom StringHeaderContributor.  All I
want it to is encapsulate some javascript that has some property
replacements in it.

I have it working with a custom model as such:

  add(new StringHeaderContributor(new PngTransparency(this)));

But I want it to look like this:

  add(new PngTransparencyHeaderContributor(this));

It's not really a big deal, but it seems like it would be cleaner that
way.  Here is the model class:

public class PngTransparency extends Model {

        public static final ResourceReference PNGFIX = new
ResourceReference(PngTransparency.class, "PngTransparency.js");
        public static final ResourceReference TRANSPARENT_PIXEL = new
ResourceReference(PngTransparency.class, "transparentpixel.gif");

        public PngTransparency(Component component) {

                String output =
                                "<!--[if lt IE 7]>\n" +
                                "  <script defer type=\"text/javascript\" 
src=\"" +
component.urlFor(PNGFIX) + "\"></script>\n" +
                                "  <script language=\"javascript\" 
type=\"text/javascript\">\n" +
                                "    var pngTransparencyGif = \"" +
component.urlFor(TRANSPARENT_PIXEL) + "\"\n" +
                                "  </script>\n" +

Any ideas?


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