Chris Lintz wrote:
I have a non-Wicket domain lets say, .  This domain passes
requests to the Wicket filter via mod_jk to this path: .  The home page on is completely
static except for a wicket form that is dyamically written via a Java script
document write (i.e. <script
src="/myapp?wicket:bookmarkablePage=:com.mysite.LoginFormSnippet".).  We
dont want the entire domain of to be "Wicketized", hence
the small snipppet writen via the script tag.
The problem is everything wicket related is written from the relative path
(i.e. "/" ) not with the /myapp prefixed in front. Therefore, the component,
Wicket Javascript references, etc are broke because of the relative path. What can I possibly do to over come this?

Are you using Wicket 1.2.x?

In 1.3.0 all the paths wicket generates are relative not absolute, so this should all Just Work.

An alternative here is to use Wicket 1.3's filter support, so you map it to /* but let most requests just fall through to your static resources.



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