Al Maw wrote:
oliver.henlich wrote:
The javadoc on
org.apache.wicket.extensions.ajax.markup.html.form.upload.UploadWebRequest explains how to install it (Note: javadoc has problems with it...maybe the @

class MyApplication extends WebApplication {
protected WebRequest newWebRequest(HttpServletRequest servletRequest) {
     return new UploadWebRequest(servletRequest);

Does this not mean that _all_ requests handled by this application will be
using UploadWebRequests?

If so, is this fine? Is this how everyone does it? Overheads?

Yes, this is fine.

The only reason you need to set this up and we haven't baked it into the core standard set-up is that the AJAX progress bar stuff is in Wicket-extensions. IMO, maybe it's time to move that to core.


Ah ok thanks. I was just worried that there would some extra overhead for all normal requests.

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