Ok, i've removed all other stuff from the page, error are still there, wierd thing is that the dropdowns are working on the other pages.

I guess next step are to create a quickstart and see if it works there..

Should I try with beta 3 or?

regards Nino

Nino Saturnino Martinez Vazquez Wael wrote:
Thats wierd.

I've now changed it to not use ajax and are using wantonselectionchangednotifications..

This yields the same result, not working. This is really wierd cant belive that it should not work, some of the processing must be broken by some of the other components I add, are there any way to get some more describtive informations from wicket?


Nino Saturnino Martinez Vazquez Wael wrote:
Hmm, im not using the dataview or iDataprovider, although I have a listview in one of the singlephonecomparepanels. However it seems as theres something about these two issues that match.

But the wierd thing are that it never ever picks up the change in the dropdownchoice. I'll try going back and doing this without ajax and see if that works any better.

I've tried your suggestion about declaring phone as a private on the page it did not fix the problem..

Wierd stuff are that I used the same approach in wicket 1.2.6 and it was working there(although not with the same combination of models)..

regards Nino

Oleg Taranenko wrote:
Hello Nino,

It seems to be the same issue as i've encountered a week ago.

see thread "Order-Items master detail page" started at 16 august

Possible Solution in you case:

declare anywhere posible in page
private Phone selectedItem;

in function
protected void onUpdate(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
   selectedItem = (Phone) phoneA.getObject();

And than everythingService.findAllStandardFeatures() (or other function) shoud get access to the
 field selectedItem.
Possible you need to create your own new IDataProvider.



am 23 August 2007 um 09:08 schrieben Sie:


I have a page where theres two dropdownchoices and two panels acordingly. when you click dropdown a and select a new item panel a should be updated to the new item, I've used ajaxformComponentupdatingbehavior( have also tried ajaxformsubmittingbehavior).

However it seems as the model of the dropdown are never updated, im using compoundpropertymodel (have also tried reverting and just using a
simple model).

I just cant figure out whats wrong. Please take a look any hints will be


Havent had the chance yet to tryout beta 3, not sure if its gone there.

regards Nino

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