On 8/14/07, Doug Leeper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am using the Tree Table component in Wicket Extensions.  I would like to do
> the following:
> Background:
> I have N number of columns:
> Column 1: operation panel (operations available for the particular tree node
> item)
> Column 2: the tree node
> Column 3-N: attributes about the tree node item
> I would like to place column one an "Op Panel" that is depending upon the
> tree node item.  I am not sure how to do such a thing.
> Should I create a panel for each tree node type?  or should it be fragment?
> How do I get this component in the appropriate column?  Do I need to extend
> AbstractTreeColumn?
> Ideally I would like to "right-click" on the tree node to popup a menu to do
> some operation on it but that is not feasible at the moment.

Sounds pretty fancy what you want. The answer is yes to about every
question in your email :) Use panels (note that fragments are just a
kind of in-line panels) and fiddle around with columns. It should be
possible to implement right-click behavior as well (e.g. using YUI),
but that will require a bit of work. Best thing you can do is take a
very good look at how the trees are implemented so that you understand
how they best can be implemented or so that you can develop one that
matches your requirements from scratch.


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