Thank you!

That both solved the problem and made my code cleaner :)

-- Edvin

Matej Knopp wrote:
You should use ResourceModel for this, it does the localization/message
lookup for you.


On 8/28/07, Edvin Syse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

When I instantiate a Panel that does getLocalizer().getString() in the
constructor, I obviously get the errormessage:

WARN  [Localizer] Tried to retrieve a localized string for a component
that has not yet been added to the page. This can sometimes lead to an
invalid or no localized resource returned. Make sure you are not calling
Component#getString() inside your Component's constructor. Offending
component: [MarkupContainer [Component id = <idHere>, page = <No Page>,
path = <path-here>]]

This is understandable, since I haven't added the component to a page
before the constructor is run.

In the constructor, I do things like:

add(new Label("articleTitle", new
Model(getLocalizer().getString("articleTitle", this))));


ConfirmBehaviour(getLocalizer().getString("confirmDelete", this)));

Is there a way to create the panel and give it a page-instance directly,
or how should I get around this the wicket way?

I use 1.3-SNAPSHOT, btw.

-- Edvin

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