Thank you John, that's exactly what I was looking for!

John Ray wrote:
I think what you are looking for are the following steps

1) When a user first comes to the site check if they have a cookie from a
prior visit and automatically log them in.
2) If they don't have a cookie then redirect them to the login page
3) As they log in set a cookie on their browser so the next time they visit
they will be automatically logged in during step 1 above. The cookie will
need to contain the the user name and password to authenticate them. It
would probably be best for added security to do a one way hash (such as SHA)
on the password though and not store the actually password in the cookie.
To do steps 1 and 2 you need your own AuthorizationStrategy for your
application. Look at the wicket example to do this

Don't forget there is a link to view the source code in the top right of the
page. You need to modify the AuthorizationStrategy to something like this

public class MyAuthorizationStrategy implements IAuthorizationStrategy {

  public boolean isInstantiationAuthorized(Class componentClass) {
    if (AuthenticatedWebPage.class.isAssignableFrom(componentClass)) {
      // Is user signed in?
      if (((SignInSession)Session.get()).isSignedIn()) {
        // okay to proceed
        return true;

    // Look at cookies to determine if the user should be logged in
    Cookie[] cookies = ((WebRequest)
    ... iterate through each cookie for our magic login cookie
    ... If a cookie is found then log the user in

    // Redirect user to login page if there was no cookie
    throw new RestartResponseAtInterceptPageException(SignIn.class);


For step 3 you'll need to modify the onSubmit() method in the login page so
that it sets a cookie on the browser when the user is logged in.
  Cookie loginCookie = new Cookie(...);
  ... Also set the cookie MaxAge so that the browser will remeber it even if
the browser is closed

The Cookies are just standard J2EE cookies from the servlet API so look at
the J2EE docs for more info on them.

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