
Okay, another newbie question.  :)

I have some secured pages that require a user login. The "main" page (unsecured) has direct links to these secured pages. If the user tries to access one of these secured pages without being logged in, I throw a restartresponseexception that takes them to the login page. Upon login page submission they continue to the original destination (so far so good).

However, if the user clicks the Back button they go back to the login page (as expected). However, if they re-enter their credentials and submit the login page again, their "original destination" is gone, so the login page just goes back to the login page again. There's no other logical place for them to go, either, so I'd like to simply chop the login page from the Back button memory.

My question is: How can I programmatically remove a previously- visited page (i.e., login page) so that if the user hits the Back button they skip that page (i.e., they go directly back to the "main" page instead of the login page)?

Thanks for any info,


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