well, i think you mix up with wicket-stuff-project size (the size you download and deploy) and the size you have in the end the user to load.

for example look at wicket-contrib-yui. if you download it, its some megs big, but it only puts small JS libs to the client using these actually (there is a class that takes care of - were improving to wicket 2.3.0 at the moment trying to make use of the yuiLoader).

Also, if you look at the MirrorBehaviour from the Minis project youll only have a JS lib with under 5kb in the end.

if you know some projects whose are having 100KBs of stuff in deplyoment, just say it and its likely that sb. look into it, but honestly i dont know of one having much unecessary JS pushing to the user...



Ayodeji Aladejebi schrieb:
peace peace peace, am not trying to critizise anyones project. i am
overwhelmed by what i find in the wicket world everytime

just an opinion about wicket stuffs

i think javascript contrib projects where the javascript library is larger
than say 100KB may not be worth it in some projects, i would rather prefer
that wicket stuff-ers select modular frameworks like MooTools or some highly
module JSlibraries so that only modules/functions related to the feature or
behavior being requested will be seleclted and compiled on the server and
sent to the client maybe in spikes of 10KB, 6KB sizes. This will be a better
strategy for javascript-wicket integration and wicket has an excellent
plugin path via the IBehavior Contract

I would not know, are there any such wicket contrib projects out there,
maybe am not well informed about this.

you see size matters which is the reason ppl complain about swing/applet/JRE
size, for instance i was trying to play with wicket dojo examples now and
looking for ways to use it in my next project, however when i clicked on
some of the examples, my browser frooze for a couple of seconds before
coming back. this is not nice.

i wont download a 100KB library just to add some small effect to my site or
freeze the entire browser because a huge javascript framework is loading or
initializing. apart from tinyMCE where the library is the funtion required ,
the Editor, i dont see why i should use a wicket contrib project for some
simple effects when it is larger than 100KB

just an opinion

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