This is something I'm looking for as well. I'm a frontend developer (or html monkey if you will, thanks Sam ;) ) and I'm trying to find a way to make it easier for me and my fellow html & css-ers to work on the Wicket frondend. At the moment I'm spending a lot of time searching through wicket pages and panels trying to find that single HTML element I want to tweak or something like that.

All tips are appreciated.

Sjoerd Lohuis
Func. Internet Integration
T +31 20 4230000
F +31 20 4223500

Sam Hough wrote:
I'm wandering about a similar thing but with the requirement that the
designer (html monkey) can work against a live instance of wicket to make
sure the dynamic stuff doesn't break his CSS.

Only thing I can think of is that it always lives in WEB-INF/classes but I
don't like. Not that I have a reason.

Craig Tataryn wrote:
I have a question about how I can make it dead simple for a Designer
dreamweaver) to code my html/css for me.  Essentially I want him to be
to update a directory structure of html/css files and have my Maven build
pull those files into the proper places (i.e.

The directories he is updating are accessible by the build server, and
have a directory structure like so:

  - main.css
  - arrow.gif,
  - home
       - HomePage.html
  - add
       - AddProduct.html

These should translate over to my side as:

css -> src/main/webapp/css
img -> src/main/webapp/img
home -> src/main/java/com/mycompany/myproduct/wicket/home
add -> src/main/java/com/mycompany/myproduct/wicket/add

Is this something I can have Maven do automagically?  Or is it something
going to have to write a batch script for?



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