A time ago I filed a bug relating markup inheritance with the reloading
servlet (although inline frames are involved too in my somewhat contrived
example). Enjoy the cocktail here


On 9/25/07, Peter Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 9/25/07, Jean-Baptiste Quenot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > * Peter Thomas:
> >
> > > So    to   confirm    my   understanding,    when   using    the
> > > ReloadingWicketFilter, when you make a change to a Page you have
> > > to re-trace  navigation to a  point prior  to where the  Page is
> > > loaded.  Is that correct?
> >
> > You  have to  make sure  you're not  using an  instance of  a page
> > loaded in  a previous  classloader, ie  make sure  not to  keep an
> > instance of a page across reloads.
> >
> > > I'm   just    hoping   that   something   can    be   done   (or
> > > un-done)  to   improve  the  developer  experience   when  using
> > > ReloadingWicketFilter.
> >
> > To be  honest ReloadingWicketFilter is  a hack to work  around how
> > the JVM  loads classes, and  it is bootstrapped during  the Wicket
> > application initialization.
> >
> > If ReloadingWicketFilter is causing more problems than it is meant
> > to  solve,  we  might  simply  want  to  remove  it  from  Wicket,
> > especially  if  it proves  to  be  unreliable in  complex  setups.
> > Unless you're willing to turn your hope into contribution?
> That's a little harsh.  Have a look in the JIRA and I've repeatedly said
> how
> much I appreciate the RWF and even the way it works now (even citing it as
> the reason for not moving to groovy!).  Thanks for the gentle reminder
> that
> I should quit whining about this.  I'm not a master of classloading and it
> is unlikely I contribute anything in this area.
> Have you  seen my suggestion  to clear your session  cookie before
> > reloading the page  BTW?  All this is very  complicated I realize,
> > but there's not much we can do to simplify reloading.
> > --
> I saw your suggestion on clearing cookies, thanks.
> I'll say this one last time and then shut up  - I completely understand
> that
> this is a hack and all - but it used to work the way I expected and at
> least
> one other user felt the same.  I was just pushing my luck (at the risk of
> losing mailing-list karma) because as the other user said, once you have
> experienced "page refresh" reload of classes it is very hard to go back.
> But you are saying nothing more can be done, and I respect the opinion of
> the Wicket committers on this and I can live with how it is now.  I
> completely appreciate the work that you and other Wicket committers have
> put
> into RWF and it is a huge time saver in its current form.
> Thanks,
> Peter.

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