On 9/28/07, pierobo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm doing an evaluation of some java web frameworks for doing the
> presentation layer of our CMS.
> We already have the backend, made with Spring/Hibernate.
> The behaviour of the CMS should be:
> 1) (Power) user draws the data model he want to store in the CMS (a sort of
> entity-relation diagram);
> 2) This user then writes html pages with tools provided by us or by himself.
> He put into page "blocks" of visual elements representing part of his model.
> I.e., in the parent HTML page he could put a block representing a browse
> able list of childs.

Yeah, I think Wicket is very suitable for what you want to do.

> So, I need a heavy component oriented framework, and Wicket seems to be
> suitable.
> But, for what I understood, Wicked is driven by pages. I would instead drive
> the presentation by some action (i.e. www.mycms.com/view/MyEntity/id/123),
> look into information system, find the suitable html page and then render
> it.

You can implement that just the same. Replace your idea of actions by
pages, and use a custom URL mapping to achieve that. There's multiple
ways to do it.

> I simply didn't understand if Wicket could be the right tool...
> I gave a look to kronos CMS but I'm very newbie about Wicket and this
> project lacks of documentation (for what I've seen).

I haven't looked at Kronos myself. It is a user contributed/
wicket-stuff project.

> Could you give me some opinion and all references I could look?

Learn how bookmarkable pages (would be your actions) work, and how to
dynamically construct Wicket pages (investigate panels).


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