I looked into this a bit more, and it looks like
WebRequestCycleProcessor.resolve(RequestCycle, RequestParameters) always
checks to see if an Ajax request is being made before a Page gets to be
instantiated and stored in the session. If the Page doesn't exist in the
PageMap, the request simply redirects to the Session Expired page. It seems
like the Page could be created if its information were encoded in the Ajax

Is there a reason why an AjaxLink couldn't encode a stateless URL a la
BookmarkablePageRequestTargetUrlCodingStrategy s.t. the Ajax'ed component
and its containing page could be created if the page didn't exist in the

leok wrote:
> Thanks for the response! I'm not sure if this solves my problem though, or
> if I understand this correctly. Even if I use HybridUrlCodingStrategy to
> mount the page, I will still get redirected to a "Session Expired" page if
> I try to use any ajax-enabled component. 
> A second problem emerges when I get redirected to the Session Expired
> page, hit the back button, and attempt to invoke the ajax-enabled
> component again. This time Wicket thinks I'm sending the ajax request to
> the Session Expired page and redirects me to a plain old error page with a
> stack trace. 
> It'd be nice to be able to register Wicket ajax components in some state
> that persists beyond a single user's session. 
> Martijn Dashorst wrote:
>> 1.3 has a new URL encoding strategy that would make this somehow
>> possible: iirc it is the hybrid url coding strategy, and is for
>> instance used at http://thoof.com
>> The url becomes bookmarkable, and has the page nr and version number
>> encoded in the url, but wicket will use the bookmarkable part when
>> there is not session.
>> Martijn
>> On 10/3/07, leok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Hi there - I'm trying to add some graceful handling of ajax behavior
>>> during
>>> session expiration in my Wicket webapp. Is there a way to not redirect
>>> to
>>> the session expired page and invoke some other handler, using either a
>>> wicket component and/or javascript function, after the session has
>>> expired?
>>> Ideally, Ajax calls would continue to function after session expiration.
>>> I've scanned the list regarding this issue, and I think it makes sense
>>> for
>>> certain types of ajax requests, e.g. ajax requests that resemble
>>> stateless
>>> form interaction. Is there a way to hack this sort of behavior with
>>> Wicket?
>>> Thanks,
>>> leo
>>> --
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