I suspect I'm biting off more than I can chew conveniently but maybe someone can push me in the right direction...

I'm attempting to build a fairly simple web application with Wicket, and I'd like to use Hibernate to manage the database access (although other frameworks like Cayenne have been suggested and I'll look at them too...)

I think I've figured out the basic application structure, and how to map my data to an html page. But I don't think I understand the relationships between web sessions, hibernate sessions, DAO objects etc. I need to open a mysql db, read a set of objects from a table, and display them in a (paged) table on the screen. I've looked at several examples but they are using in-memory databases, or Spring along with Hibernate and I can't get a handle on what needs to be done to whom and by whom....

Anyone have a really simple MySQL example like that? Or an online tutorial that I could follow?

Much obliged,


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