On Monday, October 15, 2007, 11:56:55 AM, Sam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I was interested by the "encourages the use of the Jetty container" bit. Is
> that more that the core Wicket developers prefer Jetty or is there a killer
> advantage over the more common Tomcat?

[Reposting a paragraph of Igor's to start, in case it looks familiar!]

The advantages are that you can quickly get your app running using mvn
jetty:jetty command if you want. Even better, when developing you dont
need to package your app into a war and deploy it - which are big time
wasting steps when you have to do them every ten minutes - instead
simply launch the included Start.java and your app is up and running
in seconds and includes hotswap.

One thing I like about Jetty is that it's normally clear to see what's
mounted where, as the default '/' servlet will list them when running
'mvn jetty:run'  (although that's not in our Start.java).

Of course, having said that, I need to say that I'm having good
results with Winstone, where Jetty was having issues (with the
non-Wicket connected part of a legacy web-app) - see


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