Hi all,
We're doing very well, with another 4 people signing up in the last two days 
for the Amsterdam meetup on November 30.
This Meetup is FREE ! Free as in Beer ! Hurray !
First off, I could really use some input on the agenda.
Also, I received some emails from people worried that the meetup would be 
committer-only. IT'S NOT! 
Not only do committers love talking to users (see mailinglist), it's also 
healthy for the community as a whole that we bring together all kinds of users, 
developers, committers, managers, decision makers, executives, Belgians, 
Germans, Brits, Americans, anyone, as long as we spread the Wicket news as far 
and wide as we can :-)
Here's a preliminary agenda. Please get me some feedback!
12:00 Room opens, Wifi connection, power outlets and coffee available.
          Walk-in hackaton for whoever likes to join.
15:00 Start of the 'official' Meetup. Opening talk.
15:00-18:00 Talks / presentations / discussion / ask-a-committer sessions / TBD
18:00-21:00 Beers and snacks, continuing sessions
21:00 Wrap-up

Let me know what you think. If you'd like to say something, or if you'd like to 
*hear* something, speak up! :)
Thanks, and see you all in November,
BTW - sign up somewhere soon because I need to know the number of beers to order

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