> > You only need models when you have something to display (and possibly
> > receive)
> I see..so how would you comment on a component like label (just came across
> this example) where you still want to display something but can go ahead
> without the usage of model like "add(new Label("message","Hello
> World"))"...

That's a convenience constructor for the common case that you want to
display text you know at construction time and that you don't expect
to change with next renderings. Here is the implementation of that

        public Label(final String id, String label)
                this(id, new Model(label));

As you can see - and as the Java docs tell ('Convenience constructor.
Same as Label(String, new Model(String))'), a model is implicitly

> so one cant just make clear distinction as to where to use a
> model where not (i mean i know by looking at the component api one certainly
> can determine)..

It's really one of the rare exceptions. Using models are the rule. It
is often when you create your own components that you may decide to go
another route.


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