On 10/29/07, Tauren Mills <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a wicket/hibernate/spring project that manages a set of live
> data.  Users of the system view the live version of the data.
> Currently, administrative CRUD alters the live data as well.  Changes
> by an admin are immediately reflected on the site to users.
> But a new set of features is going to require that administrators
> should be able to make updates and changes without affecting the live
> data.  Once they are satisfied with the changes they have made, they
> can save/publish the "working data" to be "live data" on the site.
> The modification/editing of this data can take a fair amount of time,
> perhaps several days.  Thus, I can't just put the working data into
> the session and then save it to the DB a few minutes later when the
> editing is done.  The working data needs to be able to persist as well
> as the live data.
> Also, I'm reluctant to just make copies of all the data from the live
> version to the working version, because there are certain aspects of
> the live data that can be altered by the users.  The users don't
> actually edit the basic data, but additional information is attached
> to the data as the user uses it.  If the admin is editing data and it
> takes a few days, the copy of the data could get stale as users use
> it.  Then I'd have data synchronization issues to deal with.
> I would google for patterns or techniques to deal with this type of
> situation, but I'm not sure what to even search for.  Has anyone had
> to deal with anything similar?  Any advice or suggestions?  Or even
> keywords to search for?

No real experience with this myself, but start with 'long transactions'?


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