look in the source of the page, and possibly try to capture the
headers. This will help us in discovering what goes wrong.

And please check if you have images without a src attribute or an
empty src attribute. That seems to cause problems too (though possibly
not this one).


On 10/30/07, hillj2 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm using wicket's popup dialog and it works just fine, but when deploy my
> app to our test server, which sits behind a proxy using SSL, I get a
> security message from IE saying "This page contains both secure and
> nonsecure items" whenever I open the popup.  I've traced it to a 404 error
> which is returning from a request to SERVLET_PATH/://0.  I have no idea
> where this request is coming from or what resource "://0" is supposed to
> refer to.  This request doesn't appear to get made when I run it on my local
> machine (of course I'm not using SSL, but I also don't ever see this request
> get made to my local webserver).
> Any idea what this path is supposed to be or where it's getting called from?
> This is wicket 1.3 beta2.
> Thanks.
> Joel
> --
> View this message in context: 
> http://www.nabble.com/Security-message-when-using-popup-dialog-tf4720449.html#a13494917
> Sent from the Wicket - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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