I have two questions regarding tabbed panels. I've read the example, so I've 
been able to create a navigation with it but it's a bit limited.

First thing, is it possible to nest tabbed panels? I tried to do so, but then 
all the wickets in the panels stopped working. Way I set it up was create a 
TabbedPanel where the different tabs referred to new TabbedPanels. Not really 
sure if this is doable, but if so how would I go about it, and is it possible 
to change the CSS style for the two tab panels?

Second thing, I tried to make a helper class for adding tabs to a Tabbed Panel. 
It works fine, except for the getPanel() overloading. I tried to do it as 

        public void addTab( final String label, final Panel tabPanel ) {
                tabs.add( new AbstractTab( new Model( label )) 
                        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
                        public Panel getPanel( String panelID )
                                return tabpanel;

Simply changing it to "return new PersondataPanel( panelID );" works, but this 
would mean creating one addTab(..) for each possible panel. Is there an elegant 
way of solving this?

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