> thats odd, all the values should be preserved, thats our rawinput that
> all formcomponents have. Do you have a repeater/listview around your
> formcomponents.

Hmmm, I don't know why my form doesn't preserve it. Here's the source of
the form. Can you spot anything that I'm doing wrong?

// -[KeepHeading]-

// -[Copyright]-

 * (c) 2007. Step Ahead Software. All rights reserved.
 * Source file created and managed by Javelin (TM) Step Ahead Software.
 * To maintain code and model synchronization you may directly edit code
in method bodies
 * and any sections starting with the 'Keep_*' marker. Make all other
changes via Javelin.
 * See http://stepaheadsoftware.com for more details.
package com.sas.av.ui.wicket.templates.original;

import java.lang.*;
import com.sas.av.ui.wicket.templates.original.StandardPage;
import com.sas.av.model.context.EServerContext;

// -[KeepBeforeClass]-
import com.sas.av.ui.wicket.templates.*;

import wicket.PageParameters;
import wicket.markup.html.basic.Label;
import wicket.markup.html.form.*;
import wicket.markup.html.panel.*;
import wicket.util.string.*;
import wicket.model.*;

import wicket.model.PropertyModel;

import wicket.markup.html.image.*;
import wicket.extensions.markup.html.captcha.*;

import java.lang.*;
import java.util.Random;

// -[Class]-

 * Information Request Page.
 * @author Chris Colman
class InformationRequestPage extends StandardPage
// -[KeepWithinClass]-

    // inner class form:        

    public final class InformationRequestForm extends Form
      private final InformationRequest infoRequest =
                new InformationRequest();

        // CAPTCHA Challenge
      private String captchaValue = generateCaptchaValue();
      private String captchaInput = new String("fred");
        public String getCaptchaInput() {return captchaInput;}
        public void setCaptchaInput(String iCaptchaInput)
                { captchaInput = iCaptchaInput; }
      public String generateCaptchaValue()
                { return
Integer.toString(random.nextInt(2000000)+1000000); }
        private Image captchaImage = new Image("captchaImage");
        private CaptchaValidator captchaValidator;

      public InformationRequestForm(final String iId)

                add(new TextArea("name", new PropertyModel(infoRequest,
                add(new TextArea("company", new
PropertyModel(infoRequest, "company")));
                add(new TextArea("phone", new PropertyModel(infoRequest,
                add(new TextArea("email", new PropertyModel(infoRequest,
                add(new TextArea("comments", new
PropertyModel(infoRequest, "comments")));

                TextField captchaField = new TextField("captcha", new
PropertyModel(this, "captchaInput"));
                captchaValidator = new CaptchaValidator(captchaValue);

        public final void onError()
                // update model fields so the user doesn't have to 
                // type them in again
        public void refreshCapture()
                captchaValue = generateCaptchaValue();                  
                CaptchaImageResource captchaImageResource = new
CaptchaImageResource(captchaValue, 80, 5); 

        public final void onSubmit()
                StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
                sb.append("Name " + infoRequest.getName());

                PageParameters pageParameters = new PageParameters();
                // set up parameters

// -[Fields]-

 * A random object!
public static transient Random random = new Random();

// -[Methods]-

 * Constructs the object
public InformationRequestPage()


public InformationRequestPage(final PageParameters parameters)
  throws StringValueConversionException
        add(new FeedbackPanel("feedback"));
        add(new InformationRequestForm("informationRequest"));


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